What is internal organ bypass surgery and its damages

ما هي جراحة المجازة الداخلية وأضرارها

1 ما هي جراحة المجازة الداخلية؟

2 ما هي المنطقة التي توحد الآثار الجانبية لجراحة المجازة الداخلية للأعضاء؟

3 ما هي المدة التي تستغرقها جراحة المجازة الداخلية؟

4 أوقية ألم داخلي جراحة المجازة

5 ـ فشل جراحة المجازة الداخلية للأعضاء

6 ما هي حصة إنقاص الوزن بمجرد جراحة المجازة

7 أونصات هل ستلتئم البطن بمجرد مجازة الأعضاء الداخلية؟

8 ـ الهدف من زيارة الطبيب مرة واحدة إجراء جراحة المجازة

9 أسئلة وأجوبة

10 مراجع

ما هي غازات المعدة؟

الغازات المعوية عبارة عن مزيج من الأبخرة عديمة الرائحة ، بما في ذلك الأكسجين وثاني أكسيد الكربون والنيتروجين والهيدروجين والميثان. يأتي الأكسجين والنيتروجين وثاني أكسيد الكربون من الهواء المبتلع ، والهيدروجين والميثان منتجان ثانويان لتحلل بقايا الطعام بواسطة البكتيريا الجيدة الموجودة بشكل طبيعي في القولون. يتكون هذا الغاز في الجهاز الهضمي عندما تختلط هذه الأبخرة مع البكتيريا المعوية. تطلق البكتيريا في الأمعاء الغليظة غازات تحتوي على الكبريت وتنتج رائحة كريهة من الغازات.

ما هي أسباب انتفاخ البطن؟

  • فيما يلي أسباب غازات البطن بالتفصيل: [2]

  • تراكم السوائل.
  • متلازمة القولون العصبي.
  • سرطان القولون.
  • التهاب القولون التقرحي.
  • فتق؛
  • إمساك؛
  • مرض الاضطرابات الهضمية.
  • الأطعمة الغنية بالألياف.
  • عدم تحمل الكربوهيدرات قصيرة السلسلة.
  • البكتيريا المعوية.
  • عدم تحمل اللاكتوز.
  • أنظر أيضا: ما هي المادة الكيميائية التي تفرزها الغدد الصماء

ما هي أعراض انتفاخ البطن؟

الرياح أمر طبيعي لكل شخص ، لكن الدراسات تشير إلى أن الكمية قد تختلف بين الأفراد ، وتعتمد على عدد من العوامل بما في ذلك النظام الغذائي ، حيث أن بعض الأشخاص لا يقومون بهذه العملية إلا بضع مرات في اليوم ، والبعض الآخر يصل إلى 40 مرة ، وأثناء فيما يلي نذكر أعراض انتفاخ البطن المفرط بشكل مبسط: [3]

  • التجشؤ.
  • الشعور بامتلاء أو ضغط في البطن.
  • انتفاخات بطن ذات رائحة كريهة.
  • انتفاخ البطن وعدم الراحة.
  • قرقرة في أسفل البطن

كيف أخرج الغازات من معدتي بشكل طبيعي؟

Gas occurs when partially digested foods ferment in the large intestine and produce air bubbles. Home remedies to get rid of gas include taking probiotics, exercising, and using peppermint oil. Herbal remedies such as cumin, fennel, and cloves may help with digestion and reduce gas. The best natural ways to get rid of gas are listed below. Abdomen: [4]

Take probiotics

Probiotics can help reduce gas and relieve stomach upset from excess gas. Although not all probiotics are created equal, they show a less severe reaction to a high-fiber diet, feeling less bloated, and passing gas less often during the day.

Playing sports

Research shows that exercise can help reduce bloating, because when you exercise your intestines are stimulated to move gas more quickly through your digestive system. after eating.

Use of peppermint oil

Peppermint oil can improve IBS symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating and excess gas. This is because peppermint has antispasmodic properties, which means it prevents the colon from involuntary muscle spasms that can contribute to digestive disorders.

Use a heating pad

The use of a heating pad may help relax the abdominal muscles and relieve pain, as it has been proven that many patients who suffer from excess gas and bloating feel better when placing a heating pad on their abdomen, because it improves the function of the digestive system by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which supervises the functions of comfort. and digestion.

Abdominal massage

Gently massaging the stomach can relieve discomfort by relaxing the stomach muscles and helping stool and gas move through the digestive system. By lying on your back, moving your fingertips in a circular motion, and massaging your abdomen in a clockwise direction.

eat cloves

Some of the main compounds in clove essential oil including eugenol, beta-caryophyllene, and eugenol acetate may relieve flatulence, stomach pain and nausea. It is not recommended to take clove essential oil in high doses, but whole cloves can be chewed, tea made with them or included in cooking.

What is the reason for the difficulty of exiting gases?

Many healthy individuals are concerned that they have a lot of intestinal gas, believing that the digestive system may be malfunctioning, while gas in itself is not dangerous, the inability to control its passage may have social consequences, as the gas is released from The digestive system is through the mouth through burping or through the anus such as anal wind, and a healthy individual emits flatulence about 12-25 times a day, and the main reason for the difficulty of gas exit in these ways is an imbalance in the balance of beneficial bacteria in the stomach, and the lack of absorption of carbohydrates in a manner effective and correct.[5]

What is the reason for the difficulty of exiting gases?

What does a lot of gas in the stomach indicate?

Excessive gas in the abdomen indicates that it can be a warning sign of an underlying medical problem. Excessive gas may be a sign of a digestive disorder such as gastroparesis, chronic bowel disease, and in the case of appendicitis,

A physical exam and diagnostic tests can be done to help rule out other, more serious medical conditions that may mimic excessive gas pain.[6]

Foods that cause flatulence

Diet changes can treat excessive flatulence, because gas is often associated with certain foods that are fermented by bacteria in the large intestine. :

What is internal organ bypass surgery and its damages, several fat individuals have recently most well-liked to travel for surgeries so as to induce eliminate excess weight and find the best weight, and thru this text, my articles can say internal organ bypass surgery and its damages .

What is internal organ bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery could be a kind of surgery to scale back weight in those who suffer from massive weights, as this surgery reduces the scale of the person's abdomen, and therefore he's unable to eat. the maximum amount as he wont to, and through this operation, the medico works to direct a part of the patient's systema alimentarium, so as to scale back the absorption of food.[1] what's the internal organ bypass operation what's the internal organ bypass operation

What area unit the disadvantages of internal organ bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery is one amongst the foremost in style operations that folks attend so as to induce eliminate excess weight, and folks might expertise variety of complications and injury once the operation, and this will be processed through the following:

The abdomen might stretch and come to its original size.

The sutures of the method might rupture, and this ends up in lack of profit.

The body becomes less receptive to the required minerals and nutrients.

The patient might expertise nausea, reflux, and also the want to vomit, because of the narrowing of the half between the abdomen and tiny viscus.

A person might expertise weakness, sweating, fainting or symptom as symptoms of marketing syndrome, that could be a complication of internal organ bypass surgery.

How long will internal organ bypass surgery take?

Gastric bypass surgery takes 2-3 hours. This method could be a kind of weight loss operation that depends on dividing the abdomen into 2 unequal elements, in order that but five-hitter of the abdomen remains suited food consumption. concerning the amount that has got to be spent within the hospital once the operation, it always ranges between 2 to four days, so as to make sure the security of the person once the operation, and to make sure that he's not exposed to serious complications once his discharge from the hospital.

Pain once internal organ bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is like different troublesome surgeries during which individuals area unit exposed to numerous pains once the operation, and that we embody within the following an outline of the pain once internal organ bypass surgery:[2]

  • Feeling tired, nausea and forcing out.
  • Experiencing issue sleeping.
  • Loss of appetence and flatulence.
  • Emotional fluctuations and troublesome status.
  • Gas pain and loose stools.
  • Feeling of pain at the location of the incision.
  • Feeling of neck and shoulder pain.
  • In the event of a infection of the incision web site, the patient is exposed to variety of pains, which are:
  • Increased redness round the incision, or funky fluid popping out of the incision.
  • Severe pain at the incision web site.
  • Fever over thirty eight.5°C.

Gastric bypass surgery failing

Gastric bypass surgery has become one amongst the foremost in style and widespread operations everywhere the planet, because it implanted a gold normal for the treatment of morbid fleshiness, however typically this method might fail, inflicting a troublesome downside for fleshiness surgeons, because the failure of this sort of operation is that the incidence of A decrease in major biological process complications, failure to thin, come to the initial weight before the operation, or exposure to terribly dangerous aspect effects, despite various researches that have proved  that internal organ bypass surgery helps the patient lose an outsized share of excess weight once passing the surgery. A amount of 2 or 3 years from the operation, however it's attainable that the operation fails and doesn't attain the required goals, and it's price noting that the patient ought to associate the operation with a healthy diet, with regular physical activity, and adherence to the directions of the specialist. [3]

What is the share of weight loss once bypass surgery?

A person United Nations agency has undergone internal organ bypass surgery will lose between 50-70% of excess weight, and it's price noting that this share varies from person to person, and it can't be mounted on all patients, and variety of things should be taken under consideration once determinant weight. the surplus within the body, as this relies on the body mass index, height, and current weight of the person, and that we would love to recall that the method of diversion alone isn't adequate to thin, and it should be coupled to a health program that helps its success, and this can be diagrammatic within the following: [4]

  • Determination and also the can to thin and build the operation productive.
  • Follow the diet counseled by your medico and biological process skilled.
  • Maintain correct exercise.
  • Constant communication with the medical employees, and regular visits to the doctor within the review appointments.
  • Take alimentation supplements

Beans and Legumes: They contain the sugars galactoligosaccharides and fructans, which are dietary fibers that cannot be broken down by human enzymes.
Cruciferous vegetables: such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are rich in fiber, a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest.
Oats and whole wheat bread: Whole grains cause gas for the same reason that vegetables do, which is the presence of a large number of fibers that the body does not digest.
Milk, cheese and yogurt: Dairy products contain a type of sugar called lactose, which can lead to bloating, gas, or even constipation.
التفاح والموز والخوخ: الفاكهة غنية بالسكر الطبيعي مثل الفركتوز ، لأن الجهاز الهضمي في الجسم لا يكسر جميع السكريات الموجودة في الفاكهة بشكل صحيح.
الأطعمة التي تسبب انتفاخ البطن

أنظر أيضا: عضلة القلب موجودة فقط في القلب

العلاجات الطبية لإزالة الغازات من البطن
يمكن تناول بعض العلاجات الطبية للتخلص من غازات البطن ، وفيما يلي أهم العلاجات التي تساعد في التخلص من الغازات بطريقة بسيطة: [8]

  • ألفا جالاكتوزيداز.
  • مكمل اللاكتيز.
  • سيميثيكون.
  • الكربون النشط.
  • مضادات الحموضة.
أنظر أيضا: Relaxon Muscle and Bone Relaxer

نصائح لمنع غازات المعدة
يمكنك اتباع بعض الخطوات البسيطة للوقاية من انتفاخ البطن ، وفيما يلي أهم النصائح للوقاية منه تمامًا:

كل واشرب ببطء.
  • تجنب المشروبات الغازية.
  • تجنب تمامًا مضغ العلكة.
  • توقف عن التدخين.
  • معالجة حرقة المعدة.
  • تجنب تناول الأطعمة التي تسبب الانتفاخ.
  • خذ معينات الجهاز الهضمي.
  • تجنب المحليات الصناعية.
  • تناول الأعشاب لتخفيف الغازات.
وبهذه الطريقة نصل إلى خاتمة المقال كيف يمكنني إخراج الغازات من معدتي بطريقة طبيعية والتي تناولت في محتواها تعريف غازات البطن بالتفصيل ، ونذكر سبب الصعوبة. للخروج من الغازات ، وقدمنا ​​من خلال مقالنا مجموعة من التمارين التي تساعد على إزالة الغازات من البطن.

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